Acclaim brings WARP’s intriguing FMV horror game D home to the states. It’s a hell of a ride, with some interesting lore.

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PSX CyberSpeed

Mindscape tosses their hovercraft racing game into the ring, though we’re not sure they really needed to.

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Another Namco arcade game hits the PlayStation, though this one never got its true 15 Minutes of fame. Cyber Sled is a decent romp.

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PSX Criticom

Criticom is one of the first original fighting games for the PlayStation but is one hell of a neat CG intro movie tied to a woefully under-powered game.

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College Slam

PSX College Slam

Acclaim illustrates what a lack of shame looks like with College Slam, a hilariously poor knock off of NBA Jam with pallet swaps and some minor adjustments.

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