Digimon World Digimon World brings the cartoon and toy series into the video game arena as various digital monsters do battle against each other. Continue reading
May 10 New Release: Medievil II Sony re-unleashes everyone’s favorite skeleton with Medievil II, the follow-up to previous surprise hit. The adventure is on! Continue reading
May 3, 2000 New Releases: Mr. Driller and Wild Arms 2 Today in the Living History Project Mr. Driller from Namco and Sony’s Wild Arms 2 round out the first week of May, providing a great start to the month. Continue reading
May 2nd New Releases: Red Sun and Gekido Gekido Urban Fighters is a single player beat’em up game from Interplay for the PlayStation, allowing 4 players to beat-up each other as well. Continue reading
April 29, 2000 New Game Release: JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Game-Rave.com presents JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, Capcom’s anime fighting game originally released on April 29, 2000 for the PlayStation. Continue reading
April 26 New Release: Nightmare Creatures II Konami takes over the publishing duties of Nightmare Creatures II, originally released by Activision. Rob Zombie contributes to the game’s soundtrack. Continue reading