Genre: Basketball |
CDs: 1 |
Publisher: EA Sports |
Released: March 27, 1996 |
Developer: EA Sports |
UPC: 0 14633 07707 0 |
Sony ID: SLUS-00060 |
PSRM: 00460 |
Players: 1 to 8 Players |
Memory: 4 Blocks |
Accessories: Multi-Tap x2 |
ESRB: Kids to Adults – No Descriptors |
Box Copy:
THINK YOU GOT GAME? NBA LIVE 96 brings CHAMPIONSHIP gameplay to the PlayStation game console. Stunning GRAPHICS, cool CD MUSIC and REALISTIC strategy make it the FUTURE of interactive hoops. Fresh Features
Summary – Not a review
One of the oldest sports games for the PlayStation, NBA Live ’96 doesn’t quite hold up very well. Its Arcade Mode is fairly interesting, in that it plays (and even more importantly almost animates) just like NBA Jam but with full squads. You can turn off & on every option in the game, right down to having no out-of-bounds.
Graphically the game hasn’t aged well, but only in that next-generation sense. Fans of the 16 Bit era would still get a kick out of these graphics, especially since the players are still sprites moving on top of a polygon playfield. Oddly enough, it still looks ‘clean’, even when played through components. Those notes aside, there’s not much meat left unless you’re into classic squads and collecting all things sports or PlayStation.
The Good
- No Review
- No Review
- No Review
The Bad
- No Review
- No Review
- No Review
Final Score: NA – No Review
Summary Text
- There are no screenshots for this game yet.
- There are currently no videos for this game.
- Back in the day, EA used to give the love when it came to manuals. NBA’s jewel case variant manual is absolutely huge, with charts, diagrams, and more for the basketball enthusiast. In today’s world, you’re lucky if you even get a manual.
I hear you like famous players in NBA Live 96.
- Play as Michael Jordan, Charles Barkley, or Magic Johnson
From the title screen, go to Rosters > Re-Order > and select the team you would like to replace the player by pressing right. Once in the team, then select from the left side to swap into the right side. Go to the Chicago Bulls and replace one of the current players with “Player.” Now Michael Jordan is on the team. Do the same for the Phoenix Suns (Barkley) and Los Angeles Lakers (Magic).