Agetec Press Releases

All press releases are sourced from their original company pages. Only PlayStation-specific releases have been transcribed with the exception of any interesting or historically significant announcements.

Please note: All press releases have been copied verbatim. I have made no edits to their content – any typos are supposed to be there. 

11-1995 ASCII Entertainment Software Launches Action-Adventure Title “King’s Field”

November 1995
ASCII Entertainment Software Launches Action-Adventure Title “King’s Field” for the Sony PlayStation Game Console.

King’s Field is a 3-D masterpiece, and a shining example of what could be a promising new “next generation” genre. The graphics are exceptional, and King’s Field is overflowing with substance, making it the longest, deepest, most challenging 32-bit RPG yet. This game is “half Doom, half Dungeon Master.” –Game Fan

Redwood City, CA, January 1996 — ASCII Entertainment Software, Inc. is launching the 3D action-adventure title King’s Field for the PlayStation Game Console.

King’s Field is the first of its category for the PlayStation, and is the only game completely rendered in beautiful 3D polygon graphics, with texture mapping and fully controllable 360 degree viewing. King’s Field is a first-person action-adventure game with heavy thematic elements, amazing realism, complex characters, exciting gameplay, and stunning graphics. The game fully utilizes the technological capabilities of the PlayStation.

King’s Field was categorized as an “A” title in Japan and sold phenomenally well (over 200,000 copies sold). The title had extensive press coverage in Japan, including over 120 pages of editorials in Japanese magazines. Preliminary Previews and Reviews have been written in the U.S. in major gaming magazines, including EGM, EGM2, Game Pro, PSX, PS Extreme, Die Hard Game Fan,Computer Entertainment News, Multimedia Merchandising, and more.

ASCII Entertainment is heavily supporting the title through extensive sales and marketing efforts. Both consumer and trade videos were produced for the title, and direct mailings will be sent to PlayStation owners through cross-promotions with ASCII’s peripheral line for the PlayStation. The game also is being extensively advertised in major gaming publications.

ASCII Entertainment also developed its own web site to promote King’s Field directly to the consumer. This web site was finalized in January of 1996, and can be read at: This web site will also have a direct link with Sony Computer Entertainment. The title will also be supported by a customer service and hint line, at 1-900-288-ASCII, and game hint cards with free hint time will be included in each individual package.

King’s Field Storyline

King’s Field casts you in the role of “Alexander”. This medieval adventure is a mystical tale about Alexander’s courageous battles against the forces of good and evil. The story is centered around the castle of Verdite, on the island of Melanat. The game features many characters with which to interact and hundreds of weapons, items and magic. The game is played entirely through a first-person perspective and features varied and stunning texture-maps over its 360 degree, scrolling field of play. — PS Extreme

King’s Field is a visual world that will not only astound gamers, but will pull them right into its universe. The players embark on a journey to a world of evil-ridden dungeons, villages, and castles, as they seek the Moonlight Sword, which was stolen by evil powers.

ASCII Entertainment Software

ASCII Entertainment has developed a strong brand name and consumer awareness because of its high quality peripheral line. “It has always been the goal of ASCII Entertainment to create products of the highest quality,” said Hide Irie, President of ASCII Entertainment Software, Inc. We use the premier industrial design firm in the United States, ASCII’s engineering and know how, and the top manufacturers and mold makers for our products. We intend to continue attaining the highest quality possible for our upcoming software line.”

ASCII Entertainment Software, Inc., based in Redwood City, California, is owned by ASCII Corporation of Japan. The company offers a full line of peripheral products for Sony, Sega, and Nintendo, as well as software titles. ASCII’s peripherals for the PlayStation include the asciiPad PS, the asciiPad PS Special, and the asciiStick PS. These products feature high-tech button layouts, as well as a line look that complements the PlayStation’s futuristic appearance. ASCII is also working very closely with Sony in the development of additional PlayStation Game Console titles that will be available next year.


AGETEC, a subsidiary of AES, is a world-class publisher of hardware accessories and software for the videogame market. AES is the U.S. affiliate of ASCII Corporation, based in Tokyo, Japan.

11-1996 THE KING’S ARMADA HAS JUST COME IN! Announcing King’s Field II

September 1996
Announcing King’s Field II

With the incredible success of King’s Field for the Sony PlayStation, and in response to hundreds of requests for more, ASCII Entertainment is proud to announce King’s Field II, an all new action-adventure game continuing in the tradition of King’s Field. A whole new quest is set before you as you wander an even bigger, more menacing world of beautiful, fully rendered 3D polygon texture mapped splendor!

Great Expectations
The sequel to the smash hit, King’s Field (released early in 1996), will be released Halloween by ASCII Entertainment. Already receiving praise, one game tester said,
“King’s Field II is the closest thing that you can get to a virtual reality action-adventure without buying a headset. It is a highly immersive 3D adventure that is completely captivating. It’s so addicting, they’re going to have to cut the power to my house to get me to stop!”
New Features
Featured in King’s Field II are a barrage of innovative changes from the original epic adventure. ASCII is making improvements and additions in all of the major categories of this game: Graphics, Sound, Control, Story line, Game length, etc. A great deal of energy has gone into listening to the suggestions of the consumers, monitoring internet newsgroups for feedback, adding new ideas, enhancing the quality of an already near-perfect game, and coming out with possibly the most advanced game yet for the PlayStation.

Graphically, ASCII’s plan is to enhance all of the characters as well as the surrounding world. Improved character definition and recognition includes detailed faces and personalities for the village folk and enemies, with additional attention to threatening and menacing appearances for the new enemies. As for the surrounding world, ASCII plans to include more villages and outside scenery, more towns folk, more enemies — as well as making the virtual world itself even larger than the island in the first adventure. A big map screen will allow you to travel freely from city to city in the new world. King’s Field II offers more hidden treasures, more weapons, more secret areas — all in the same captivating graphic quality of the original!

Of course, ASCII didn’t stop there! In the sound department, improved, CD quality music is being added as well as the possibility of voices for the characters and villagers. Enemies will get louder, like in the original, as the player approaches them, but this time, the game play will be accompanied by an eerie, haunting realism in the music. A new overall soundtrack will keep your speakers pumping with live CD quality music throughout the game.

With all of these new factors, plus a larger quest in a world so entirely huge, it could take months to explore every nook and cranny! King’s Field II is destined to be a hit! Already a higher frame rate for turning and looking up and down are ready to keep you moving through the new world as the improved story line keeps you personally involved in the intricate plot. With all the other enhancements carefully being added in, who knows what else ASCII will think of before the game is done!!?

ASCII will be bringing King’s Field II to a PlayStation near you this Halloween.

Since Alex brought back the Moonlight Sword from the island of Melanat, there had been peace. The Moonlight Sword and Darkslayer had been sealed in the castle tower to prevent their being stolen again, and for five years there had been peace. Celebrations were being held in honor of the fifth anniversary of Alex’s return. However, on the very night of the celebration, an evil thunderstorm hit the castle…the tower seal was broken by the lightening and the Moonlight sword disappeared. Was it destroyed?? Stolen?? Worse yet, did this mean an end to the five years of peace?

Whatever the answer, evil returned to the island. The King was the first to succumb to the evil power. He came down with a mysterious sickness that consumed him. After several months, he recovered physically, but the evil now ruled his former being. The minions of evil then infested Melanat and began spreading everywhere. With the King now under the powers of darkness, there was no one to stop the terrible devastation.

Upon his return, Alex tried in vain to save his old friend, the King, from the evil spell which had possessed him. In a final, desperate effort, Alex cast a spell over the entire castle to seal the King inside. Completely exhausted from the effort of casting the spell, Alex was near death. He called for the King’s son Lyle, and told him that he would now have to be protector of the kingdom. Lyle would have to search out the five powers that together could save the kingdom, but time was short. The Seal surrounding the castle would only last for ten years and Lyle was not yet old enough to learn the magical powers.

The Quest
Ten years have passed…your quest begins as young Lyle. You must find the five powers that will allow you to save your world from the evil that grows every day. Will you ultimately save your father…or will you have to destroy him — the balance of fate lies in your hands.


AGETEC, a subsidiary of AES, is a world-class publisher of hardware accessories and software for the videogame market. AES is the U.S. affiliate of ASCII Corporation, based in Tokyo, Japan.

6-1997 Announcing ASCII Entertainment’s Newest PlayStation Title: Felony 11-79

June 1997
Announcing ASCII Entertainment’s Newest PlayStation Title: Felony 11-79
This extremely intense destructive driving game brought to you by: ASCII Entertainment Software, Inc.

Release for this Document: Immediate
Date: Third qtr., 1997 _ Time: ? Offense: Speeding at Unknown MPH
Tailgating at Not Applicable Sec.(ran over)
Property Damage estimated at $ Undetermined
Place: Chinatown, Japan, Paris Vehicles: 22 different Known Aliases: “Runabout” (Japan)
Developer: Climax

(Redwood City, CA) – Reporting officers responded to a Felony 11-79 in progress at ASCII Entertainment Software, Inc. in regards to their latest software title. Upon arrival, victims, shopping centers, multiple vehicle pile-ups, beach-front property, billboards, hotel lobbies, and basically the rest of town, had been ravaged by this new title. Set to be released in all 50 states in the third qtr of this year, Felony 11-79 features exactly 22 cars. A list of sample vehicles follows: Passenger Bus, Formula 1, BMW, Street Sweeper, Tank, Pick-up Truck, etc. All are available for mass destruction in the downtown and seaside areas. However, some vehicles may require different techniques in order to appear (it is believed that only four vehicles are available at game start).
From the aftermath, it was blatantly apparent that graphic milestones were accomplished in multiple areas of gameplay. These include, but are not limited to: Fully-rendered vehicles, super-fast 3D polygon graphics, real-time light-sourcing, completely navigatable city-streets, and a complete disregard for any and all traffic laws, moving violations, and driving game standards.

Witnesses attested to the fact that the operation looked to be a heist. The burglar managed to escape police barricades, roadblocks, high-speed chases, and crowded streets to get away with merchandise reportedly valued at $10 million. The contents of the stolen goods were not available at the time of this report but are believed to be ancient artifacts. They could be the key to larger and more lavish riches. Additional investigation is needed.

During the chaotic vehicular mayhem that ensued at the time of escape, a record setting number of felonies and misdemeanors occurred which included: several hit cyclists (none seriously injured), fruit stands pulped, ambulances destroyed, police vehicles run off the road by suspect, a mangled trailer truck, toll booths demolished, broken flower pots, a double decker bus decked, and a roadside café made roadkill.

ASCII Entertainment Software is the American wholly owned subsidiary of ASCII Corporation of Japan. Concentrating on the software division of ASCII Corporation’s diversified high technology and mass media industries, ASCII Entertainment has carved out a niche in the U.S. and the rest of the video gaming world both in video game controllers and software titles.

About AGETEC AGETEC, a subsidiary of AES, is a world-class publisher of hardware accessories and software for the videogame market. AES is the U.S. affiliate of ASCII Corporation, based in Tokyo, Japan.

5-28-1998 ASCII Entertainment Software to Release Master of Monsters: Disciples of Gaia™

ASCII Entertainment Software Announces New Subsidiary,
AGETEC, to Handle Videogame Publishing Business
ASCII Entertainment Software to Release Master of Monsters: Disciples of Gaia™
A Multi-Player Turn-Based Strategic Action Title for the PlayStation® Game Console
Redwood City – May 28, 1998 – ASCII Entertainment Software, Inc. is getting ready to release the 16-bit Sega Genesis classic to the 32-bit generation PlayStation® game console. Master of Monsters: Disciples of Gaia, a multi-player turn-based strategy game delivers everything imaginable. Take command of the land by creating your own monsters to fight against enemies. Have your creations gain levels and experience by defeating enemy monsters. An excess of different landscapes will add lasting value to this title, as well as the endless fun of taking over the world in campaign mode.

With over 40 maps to master, including special multi-player maps, MOM will offer up an immerse environment with hundreds of hours of gameplay. As a young boy, you work with one of the six disciples (masters) of the one-time good god, Gaia, to reclaim Earth from the destruction that is now being bestowed upon it. Each of the disciples has their own attributes that range from summoning abilities to magics to strength. Each of the characters (both masters and monsters) will have their own class (law/neutral/chaos) and will gain experience through the struggles and battles that they must overcome.

Master of Monsters: Disciples of Gaia also features some remarkable multi-player capabilities:

Up to 4 players are able to compete for supremacy of the land
Full 3-D battles whenever two enemies meet
Compete saved army against each other
Choose between many different characters
Each character has their own special powers and summoning abilities
Landscape changes day to night
Combine monsters together to form new and more powerful ones
Over 200 items, weapons, and magic!
Master of Monsters: Disciples of Gaia is set to be released 3rd qtr. ’98 for the PlayStation® game console.

Rating: Everyone
Price: TBA
Developer: Toshiba EMI, SystemSoft Co.
ASCII Entertainment Background Information
ASCII Entertainment Software is the American wholly owned subsidiary of ASCII Corporation of Japan. Concentrating on the software division of ASCII Corporation’s diversified high technology and mass media industries, ASCII Entertainment has carved out a niche in the U.S. and the rest of the video gaming world both in video game peripherals and software titles.


AGETEC, a subsidiary of AES, is a world-class publisher of hardware accessories and software for the videogame market. AES is the U.S. affiliate of ASCII Corporation, based in Tokyo, Japan.

5-28-1998 ASCII Entertainment Software, Inc. is ready to bring out Clock Tower II: The Struggle Within.

Redwood City – May 28, 1998 – ASCII Entertainment Software, Inc. is ready to bring out Clock Tower II: The Struggle Within. The sequel to the original horror adventure, Clock Tower released last year, Clock Tower II promises to have all of the thrills and chills that its predecessor mustered up, plus a whole lot more in this gory new storyline. Trapped in a world where the coldness and dark void of nothingness consumes everything, players must find a way to escape from the horror that surrounds them. To add an even more intense feel to this title, it is Sony Dual Shock compatible. Now the chills that run through your spine will be combined with the shaking and rumbling of your own two hands as you pray for the end to come.

Players take control of a character plagued by split personalities, on a search for answers in an extensive game environment filled with terrifying enemies. Switching between the two personalities will be the only way to stay alive long enough to transcend the evil. Along the way, battle zombies, a crazed knife-wielding child, and attempt to solve mid-bending puzzles before time runs out and the Grim Reaper comes calling. With 13 different endings and the ability to switch personalities, Clock Tower II promises to deliver all of the nail-biting, gut-wrenching horror the original possessed.

Clock Tower II: The Struggle Within is set to be released 4th qtr. ’98 for the PlayStation® game console.
Price: TBA
Rating: TBA
Developer: Human Entertainment

ASCII Entertainment Background Information
ASCII Entertainment Software is the American wholly owned subsidiary of ASCII Corporation of Japan. Concentrating on the software division of ASCII Corporation’s diversified high technology and mass media industries, ASCII Entertainment has carved out a niche in the U.S. and the rest of the video gaming world both in video game peripherals and software titles.

About AGETEC AGETEC, a subsidiary of AES, is a world-class publisher of hardware accessories and software for the videogame market. AES is the U.S. affiliate of ASCII Corporation, based in Tokyo, Japan.

10-19-1998 ASCII’s Armored Core: Project Phantasma Launches onto Shelves

ASCII’s Armored Core: Project Phantasma Launches onto Shelves
Redwood City, CA – October 19, 1998 – ASCII Entertainment Software, Inc. today announced the shipment of their latest PlayStation title, Armored Core: Project Phantasma. The sequel to last year’s Armored Core published by Sony Computer Entertainment, Armored Core: Project Phantasma promises to satisfy the fans of the original plus offer a ton of new gameplay features.

Some new additions to the Armored Core series showcased in Project Phantasma include a brand new arena mode. Now, players can battle their way through the top 50 AC’s in a ladder-style deathmatch. There are also 17 completely new missions that require as much strategy as brute strength and firepower. Along the way, players will acquire new weapons and parts in which they can customize their own ACs. In an effort to spawn the creativity that Armored Core: Project Phantasma allows (players can color, equip, and design their ACs from the legs on up) ASCII has announced the “The Best Armored Core of Project Phantasma” contest in which players can submit their ACs for a chance to win $500. For more information visit

“Armored Core: Project Phantasma adds a whole new element to the Armored Core franchise,’ boasts producer, Mark Johnson. “This is a totally intense action game that really builds upon the original concept and then takes it a step further. With incredible single player combat, 2 player split-screen, and the ability to link PlayStations this is definitely the true essence of fast-paced arcade-style gameplay.”

Armored Core: Project Phantasma features all of the game play elements that made the original Armored Core so great: missions, shop, email, garage, and multi-player compatibility. In addition to the classic features, there is now a deathmatch mode for one-on-one battles with higher-ranked AC’s and completely new missions and items. Also, players can use their data from the first Armored Core and there will be full vibration compatibility with the Sony Dual Shock controller.

ASCII Entertainment Background Information

ASCII Entertainment Software is the American wholly owned subsidiary of ASCII Corporation of Japan. Concentrating on the software division of ASCII Corporation’s diversified high technology and mass media industries, ASCII Entertainment has carved out a niche in the U.S. and the rest of the video gaming world both in video game peripherals and software titles.

ASCII Entertainment, Armored Core: Project Phantasma are trademarks of ASCII Entertainment Software, Inc. PlayStation and the PlayStation logo are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. All other brand and product names are trademarks and registered trademarks of their respective holders.

11-9-1998 Chalk One Up for Backstreet Billiards

Chalk One Up for Backstreet Billiards
Redwood City, CA – November 9, 1998 – ASCII Entertainment Software, Inc. today announced the shipment of Backstreet Billiards for the PlayStation® game console. This ultra-realistic pool title allows users an incredible amount of diversity with 7 different play modes and a total of 9 unique billiard games. Backstreet Billiards even accommodates up to 4 players making it fun for the whole family.

Backstreet Billiards promises to satisfy even the most seasoned pool veterans with 9 different types of pocket pool (nine ball, rotation, basic, one pocket, 14.1 continuous, bowlliards, cut throat, and 5-9), carom games, a practice mode, technical mode, speed rounds, and trick shots which even features an edit feature that lets players design their own tricks. On top of all that is the story option where players progress through the pool underworld and build up a reputation as well as their character’s power, technique, and mentality. Running at a blazing 60 frames/second, players can view the table from a variety of angles and judge their shots perfectly with the cue-ball-cursor that shows the path the cue will take. Players can also break to Rage Against the Machine or Neil Diamond as they have the option to insert their own music cd’s to listen to while playing.

“There was an immense amount of effort put into this game and it turned out great,” says Franz Stoppenbach, Assistant Producer. “We worked very hard to make sure that the game is as realistic as possible and that the physics would be dead on. Additionally, the story mode is definitely a uber leap forward in pool games today.”

Top-notch graphics, actual pool physics, and superb gameplay all make this pool game the one that pool fanatics have been waiting for. This is not your typical pool game, whether players are challenging their friends or the computer, it is going to take a steady hand and a whole lot of practice to master the fine points of this classic game.

ASCII Entertainment Background Information

ASCII Entertainment Software is the American wholly owned subsidiary of ASCII Corporation of Japan. Concentrating on the software division of ASCII Corporation’s diversified high technology and mass media industries, ASCII Entertainment has carved out a niche in the U.S. and the rest of the video gaming world both in video game peripherals and software titles.

©1998 ASCII Entertainment Software, Inc. All rights reserved. ASCII Entertainment, Backstreet Billiards are trademarks of ASCII Entertainment Software, Inc. PlayStation and the PlayStation logo are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. All other brand and product names are trademarks and registered trademarks of their respective holders.

11-20-1998 ASCII Entertainment Software is Set to Bring Out Arcade Classic

R-Types is your Type
ASCII Entertainment Software is Set to Bring Out Arcade Classic
Redwood City, CA – November 20, 1998 – ASCII Entertainment Software, Inc. today announced plans to release R-Types for the PlayStation game console. R-Types includes the two classic arcade shooters, R-Type and R-Type II, and feature extremely addictive gameplay, button-pounding shooting action, mesmerizing enemy attacks, and an all-around awesome retro gaming experience.

The original R-Type was released into arcades in 1987 and stole the quarters out of the pockets of kids all around the country. With superb graphics, incredible level design, and enemy patterns that will make your head spin, R-Type won the hearts of all who played and established itself as a break-thru game at the time. Even in today’s world of full 3D action/adventure games, it stands the test of time and still remains incredibly challenging and FUN!

The 1989 sequel, R-Type II, continues the R-Type’s tradition by offering up the same addictive elements found in the first, only this time there’s all new levels to learn and some pretty neat-o graphics.

“This is a great retro package for the PlayStation that is a picture-perfect translation from its arcade counterpart,” said Mark Johnson, Product Manager. “This is the kind of game that really draws you in. Gamers find themselves playing for hours learning the enemy’s patterns and trying to find the best way through each level. It’s just remarkable how addictive the gameplay in R-Type is.”

R-Type lets players take control of a R9 space ship that can either rapidly fire its shots or can the gun can be charged to fire an immensely powerful beam. Along the way, the R9 acquires power-ups and shields that allow for more fire-power and different strategies. The level’s designs are truly out-of-this-world with their alien environments that will test the skills of even the most skilled gamers. Also, the Sony Dual Shock’s vibration function has been utilized to take the heart-pounding shooting action to the next level.

Publisher: ASCII Entertainment Software, Inc.
Developer: Irem Software Engineering Inc.
Rating: TBA
Release: 1st quarter 1999
ASCII Entertainment Background Information

ASCII Entertainment Software is the American wholly owned subsidiary of ASCII Corporation of Japan. Concentrating on the software division of ASCII Corporation’s diversified high technology and mass media industries, ASCII Entertainment has carved out a niche in the U.S. and the rest of the video gaming world both in video game peripherals and software titles.

ASCII Entertainment, R-Types are trademarks of ASCII Entertainment Software, Inc. PlayStation and the PlayStation logo are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. All other brand and product names are trademarks and registered trademarks of their respective holders.

Undated – Clock Tower

ASCII Entertainment Announces CLOCK TOWER
A mysteriously haunting horror adventure game
Ask not for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee…

Redwood City, CA – ASCII Entertainment Software, Inc. has done it again! Continuing in the pursuit of excellence and originality in the video game market, ASCII is proud to announce the newest addition to the family of ASCII games for the Sony PlayStation. A terrifying adventure awaits you in Romsdaaren, Norway, where the most hideous murders imaginable have been committed at an alarming rate. Come to the forefront of a horror buff’s nightmare as you become the prey in ASCII Entertainment’s new horrific game thriller – CLOCK TOWER!

Alarming Graphics
While the country side in Norway is quite lovely, the sights you’ll be seeing in the wake of the inhuman maimings of the immortal Scissorman are bound to be stomach wrenching for even the most seasoned horror fan. Never before have such gruesome murders been portrayed in the video game market. The bloody simple graphic interface will satisfy novice and hard-core gamers alike. You’ll see decapitations, people drawn and quartered, entrails spilled on restroom floors – all in BEAUTIFUL blood bathed 3-D Polygon graphics. Along with the brutally butchered victims, you’ll see some of the most imaginative lighting and shadow effects possible, adding a terrifying sense of realism to the game that will pull you in – and cut you to ribbons if you don’t succeed! When you’re not running for your life, you’ll also enjoy beautifully designed country sides and architecture, as well as a multitude of well defined characters and surroundings.

Killer Sounds (or lack there of)
The Featured Theory of “Noise and Silence” play out the terror to its unerring climax throughout the game! ASCII’s sound design team spent many overtime hours painstakingly adding in – and taking out sound so that, in their own words, the game incorporates the “Terror of Sound” that is so absolutely imperative to the success of any piece of horror. The terror of sound is wrought with dreadful combinations of silence and mounting tension through a crescendo of the most eerie music imaginable, interplayed with background noises of events taking place and the occasional interjection of a sharp jab of sound at key places where tension is at its peak (such as a picture falling off the wall, or a telephone ringing…). Of course, that’s only the tip of the shears… CLOCK TOWER also has voice-overs throughout the game at various key – and even not so key – places, giving an overall sense of completeness to the already well defined characters; this added with the errie effect of your own footsteps and the realistic background noises of your surroundings give a dimension in sound to this game that is seldom, if ever, seen in the Video Gaming market! You can hear EVERYTHING as if you were really there.

Shear Horror
In the mountains of Romsdaaren, Norway, stands the Barrows Family Mansion, an unwholesome, brooding manor perched atop a large cliff. Home to the Barrows family for generations, locals grew to depend on the clock tower of this once peaceful family. They would tend their flocks of sheep in surrounding fields by the dependable tones of the great tower.

It was for this reason that the local people began to call the mansion the Clock Tower…

In 1886, however, the mistress of the Barrows Mansion gave birth to twins, and from the day they were born it was obvious the twins were not normal and were of evil nature.

The twins were given the names Bobby and Dan. Their unwary parents knew that there was a foreboding evil about them, but who could have possibly known that the two were later to become the most feared and malicious murderers of our century – the infamous giant scissors with which their murders were committed became their namesake – they were called, simply, the Scissormen.

In 1995, a young girl from the Granite Orphanage, her parents died when she was quite small, was lured into the Barrows Mansion where she was attacked by a monster wielding a giant pair of scissors – yet no one wanted to believe the orphan girl when she returned to town, terrified and alone, claiming to have been attacked by the infamous killer.

That monster had, in fact, been Bobby Barrow, the Scissorman. She managed to escape from the terrible horrors, destroy the monster, and flee the mansion, yet she simply could not manage to convince anyone of authority of what had happened – in part because they could never find a body…

For the next year, all of Norway was caught up with the sensationalized Scissorman Murderer. Everyone was enthralled and completely relieved that he was dead – though authorities denied his existence.

That is, until the brutal murders started again…

Coming to your neck of the woods third qtr. 1997…
CLOCK TOWER…time is running out.
ASCII Entertainment Software is the American wholly owned subsidiary of ASCII Corporation of Japan. Concentrating on the software division of ASCII Corporation’s diversified high technology and mass media industries, ASCII Entertainment has carved out a niche in the U.S. and the rest of the video gaming world both in video game controllers and software titles.

About AGETEC AGETEC, a subsidiary of AES, is a world-class publisher of hardware accessories and software for the videogame market. AES is the U.S. affiliate of ASCII Corporation, based in Tokyo, Japan.

2-2-1999 Agetec Announces Full 1999 Line-Up

ASCII Entertainment Software Announces New Subsidiary,
AGETEC, to Handle Videogame Publishing Business

Announces Full 1999 Line-Up
Redwood City, California – February 2, 1999 – ASCII Entertainment Software (AES) announced today that it is creating a wholly-owned subsidiary, AGETEC, Inc. (pronounced “Age-tech”) to focus on its videogame publishing business. The new company’s name is an acronym for ASCII Game Entertainment Technology and will be fully operational March 1, 1999. AGETEC will assume the leadership role established by AES in the U.S. and European videogame and accessory markets. In connection with the transfer, AES’ European subsidiary, ASCII Entertainment Europe, will be re-named AGETEC Europe. AGETEC plans a smooth transition, with no business interruption or changes in its AES’ customer/supplier relationships. All of AGETEC’s employees will be brought over from AES. The company’s principal office, phone and FAX numbers, and contact information will remain unchanged. “Under the AGETEC banner we’ll continue to focus on creating the best game experience possible for our customers,” said Hide Irie, president of both companies. “We have our finger on the pulse of the gaming market, and AES’ successful hardware and software track record is the perfect springboard for AGETEC as we head into 1999 with the strongest line-up in our history.”

New Products

AGETEC’s 1999 release schedule includes seven software titles: R-Types, Echo Night, Shadow Tower, Clock Tower II: The Struggle Within, Fighter Maker, and Rising Zan for the Sony PlayStation(r) game console; and AirBoardin’ USA for the Nintendo(r) 64. New hardware titles include the ASCII Wireless Pad for the Sony PlayStation game console and the ASCII Pad 64 for the Nintendo(r) 64. AES’ line-up has included successful accessories such as the ASCII After Shock Steering Wheel, the first licensed dual vibration compatible steering wheel for the Sony PlayStation(r) game console; and the ASCIIWheel 64, the first licensed steering wheel for the Nintendo(r) 64. AES’ software lineup, which includes games such as Armored Core: Project Phantasma, Backstreet Billiards, Clock Tower, and the King’s Field series have firmly established the company as a publisher of first-class games.

About AGETEC AGETEC, a subsidiary of AES, is a world-class publisher of hardware accessories and software for the videogame market. AES is the U.S. affiliate of ASCII Corporation, based in Tokyo, Japan.

5-1-1999 AGETEC Announces Rising Zan: The Samurai Gunman5-1-1999

AGETEC Announces Rising Zan: The Samurai Gunman
Gun Shooting, Sword Slashing Action for the PlayStation® Game Console

Redwood City, CA May 1, 1999 – Put on your cowboy boots and sword sheath and prepare for AGETECs upcoming Rising Zan: The Samurai Gunman, an arcade action title with a twist. Take control of the super ultra sexy hero Zan as he shoots and slashes his way through the wild west of the 1800s in this sushi style western adventure.

Our hero (who takes being a hero seriously), Zan, takes off on a chaotic adventure to save his town, which is being overrun by crazy menacing robot human hybrids. As a legendary pistol shooting pro, Zan was schooled in the art of the katana and is now a dual weapon toting good guy avenging his fathers death.

Rising Zan is easy to pick up and play action, packed fast and furious with tons of mini-games and puzzles to conquer. Players score extra “sexy” points by killing off the bosses of each level and making sure to skillfully dispose of enemies they meet along the way. Depending on other heroics, players will earn even more rewards opening up cool secrets and a bonus character. Zan is guaranteed to amuse and entertain gamers across the country with his crazy antics and his super ultra sexy style.

“With the variety of attacks and thrill-a-minute levels, Rising Zan offers super fun and addictive gameplay,” said Mark Johnson, product manager for Rising Zan: The Samurai Gunman. “Gamers will definitely need fast reflexes and quick thinking to master the art of Zan.”

Offering Dual Shock support, Rising Zan propels gamers through 10 completely interactive and original levels. Bizarre enemies and their out-of-this-world weapons will surely present a challenge, but nothing that a SUPER ULTRA SEXY HERO like Zan cant overcome.

Publisher: AGETEC
Developer: UEP Systems
Rating: Mature
Release: September 1999

About AGETEC AGETEC, a subsidiary of AES, is a world-class publisher of hardware accessories and software for the videogame market. AES is the U.S. affiliate of ASCII Corporation, based in Tokyo, Japan.
©1999 UEP Systems, Inc. Published by AGETEC, Inc. AGETEC, the AGETEC logo, The Rising Zan Samurai Gunman, The Rising Zan Samurai Gunman logo, and the AGETEC log are trademarks of AGETEC, Inc.

6-17-1999 KA-POW! Agetecs Fighter Maker Slams Onto Store Shelves

KA-POW! Agetecs Fighter Maker Slams Onto Store Shelves
A New Breed of Fighting Games Enters the PlayStation® Game Console Market

Redwood City, CA – June 17, 1999 – A new era of fighting videogames began today with the release of Fighter Maker from Agetec, Inc., the most complete, fully-customizable videogame ever produced for the PlayStation game console. Now for the first time, players can edit a characters fighting moves, save them to memory card, and then use them in a 3D fighting game. In addition, players can jump right into full 3D battles using the existing set of over 800 lethal moves.

“As a game alone, Fighter Maker is a challenging 3D fighting experience,” said Mark Johnson, product manager at Agetec, Inc., “But now that players can edit every aspect of a fighters style with our simple interface system, this game is limited only by players own imagination.”

Fighter Maker comes loaded with 20 playable characters, including Street Fighters Skullo Mania. Each character comes with up to 69 executable moves, and 10 unique battle environments. Once in the game, players can edit every aspect of the fighters style using a simple, intuitive interface system. With a tailored background story, walks, blocks, jumps, throws, victory moves, intelligence, and juggle combos, Fighter Maker represents the realization of every gamers dreams. Even damage inflicted, enemy reactions, and sound and visual effects can be applied. Players can duke it out using their custom fighters against the computer AI or they may challenge a friend using moves saved to a memory card. Additional customizable options include:

A practice mode, an “altitude meter,” logic, controller input, and collision boxes
An enhanced camera system with 11 different angles, including 3 editable ones. Fighter Maker runs in hi-res mode

Also, Fighter Maker runs in high-res mode, and comes with an incredibly in-depth 72 page manual.
Publisher: AGETEC
Developer: ASCII Corporation
Rating: Teen

About AGETEC AGETEC, a subsidiary of AES, is a world-class publisher of hardware accessories and software for the videogame market. AES is the U.S. affiliate of ASCII Corporation, based in Tokyo, Japan.
©1999 UEP Systems, Inc. Published by AGETEC, Inc. AGETEC, the AGETEC logo, The Rising Zan Samurai Gunman, The Rising Zan Samurai Gunman logo, and the AGETEC log are trademarks of AGETEC, Inc.

7-21-1999 Agetec’s Echo Night Haunts Retailers Everywhere

Agetec’s Echo Night Haunts Retailers Everywhere
Haunting Adventure Appears on PlayStation® Game Console

Redwood City, CA – July 21, 1999 – Agetec’s latest PlayStation® game console title, Echo Night, shipped today to retail outlets everywhere. The mysterious ‘soul’-full adventure offers gamers the chance to travel through time and free restless spirits trapped aboard the ghost ship, Orpheus. With over 50 puzzles and mini-games, an amazing amount of secrets, and a completely immersive environment, Echo Night brings depth and intrigue to the PlayStation® adventure universe.

“The first trip through the game is just the tip of the iceberg,” said Mark Johnson, producer of Echo Night, “Echo Night submerses players into a unique and unforgettable world rich with characters. With so many things to see and do in the game, players will play through it again and again.”

As Richard Osmond, players wander the Orpheus, a ship missing since 1913, freeing the souls of the dead while uncovering the secrets of a mysterious set of talisman stones. The in-depth story brings Osmond in contact with more than 50 different characters and spirits of lost souls as he travels to over 10 eerie locations, including a gold mine and an ancient castle.

Echo Night surrounds players with the full array of stimulating audio and video. Voice-overs, intense musical score, and captivating in-game cinematics bring the story to life. Uncovering hidden objects and discovering the solutions to the devious puzzles, Osmond tries to settle the ship’s restless souls. In addition to an incredible storyline and engaging gameplay, there are multiple endings to Echo Night. The game also includes Sony Dual Shock support to ensure that gamers feel every haunting howl. Your days and nights will never be the same once you take the immense journey into the ghostly past of Echo Night.

Publisher: AGETEC
Developer: From Software
Rating: Teen

About AGETEC AGETEC, a subsidiary of AES, is a world-class publisher of hardware accessories and software for the videogame market. AES is the U.S. affiliate of ASCII Corporation, based in Tokyo, Japan.
©1999 UEP Systems, Inc. Published by AGETEC, Inc. AGETEC, the AGETEC logo, The Rising Zan Samurai Gunman, The Rising Zan Samurai Gunman logo, and the AGETEC log are trademarks of AGETEC, Inc.

7-26-1999 Shadow Tower Due To Awaken Gamers This Fall

Shadow Tower Due To Awaken Gamers This Fall
Agetec Announces Deep Role-Playing Adventure for the PlayStation® Game Console

Redwood City, CA July 26, 1999 – Agetec, Inc. announces Shadow Tower, a role-playing adventure videogame for the PlayStation game console. Due to ship this fall, Shadow Tower represents the latest in Agetecs ongoing mission to bring the most intense, enjoyable games to the videogame market.

“Shadow Tower will offer an engaging adventure that is fast paced and quick,” said Mark Johnson, producer at Agetec. “With gameplay similar to that of Kings Field, Shadow Tower will delight fans of the genre and with the added two-player mode there is incredible replay value.”

Finding the root of the evil is only the beginning…
Somethings gone terribly wrong on the continent of Eclipse, where the holy land of Zepter once thrived and prospered. A gargantuan hole gapes where the peaceful land once welcomed visitors. The souls of those who lived there have been consumed into the darkness and with his gentle granny among the missing, Ruus Hardy has little choice but to be a hero.

Shadow Tower submerses players into a cursed world, where they fight an incredible number of monsters with only the help of the items and weapons they locate along the way. The player will plunge deep into the giant void to rescue scores of innocent souls from the evil “dark ones.”

Developed by From Software, who also created the Kings Field series, Armored Core, and Echo Night, Shadow Tower absorbs players into its world with a first person view and completely controllable 360 degree viewing. The 3D environment will have players descending into a complex system of worlds, meeting and battling a wide variety of enemies, and logging them into a creature book. With each viewed monster, players can enter a 2 player battle arena and fight opponents in a either single or team mode.

Will Ruus ever see grannys smile again? This fall, fans of the role-playing adventure game genre just may find out.

Publisher: AGETEC
Developer: From Software
Rating: TBA
Release: Fourth Quarter 1999

About AGETEC AGETEC, a subsidiary of AES, is a world-class publisher of hardware accessories and software for the videogame market. AES is the U.S. affiliate of ASCII Corporation, based in Tokyo, Japan.
©1999 UEP Systems, Inc. Published by AGETEC, Inc. AGETEC, the AGETEC logo, The Rising Zan Samurai Gunman, The Rising Zan Samurai Gunman logo, and the AGETEC log are trademarks of AGETEC, Inc.

8-13-1999 R-Type Delta Thrusts Into Stores

R-Type Delta Thrusts Into Stores
Classic Arcade Action Ready for the New Millennium

Redwood City, CA – August 13, 1999 – Everyone’s favorite arcade shooter, R-Type, has entered the 32-bit age as R-Type Delta and is now available everywhere, exclusively from Agetec and exclusively for the Sony PlayStation game console. Gamers have been enjoying the complex world that is R-Type for well over 10 years now, and with Delta, comes the dawning of the next generation. The same classic gameplay, but entirely new missions and graphics propel this installment of the series to a new level.

As in the predecessors, the Bydo’s are out for your cockpit, and it is up to your expert piloting skills to keenly maneuver any of four high-powered spaceships through a maze of radical environments. Unfortunately there is no safety harness with this one, but there is Dual Shock support, amazing 3D graphics, high-energy weapon power-ups, demanding gameplay, and a real sense of accomplishment in warding off waves of enemy attackers.

“You really need to power-up your craft fast and get moving,” exclaimed Mark Johnson, producer of R-Type Delta. “The game moves so quickly, it really tests gamers’ endurance and is a true testament to the shooting genre. This is one small step for the R9, one giant leap for the R-Type universe.”

In addition to fast button pounding action, players will be able to rank their high scores on a world-wide scoreboard. By entering a code given to them after ending their game, they can then log onto Agetec’s R-Type Delta site and post their digits. With seven levels of alien-infested landscape to get through, this is not for the faint-hearted. As any R-Type gamer can tell you, “be strong, endure and get ready for one hell of an addictive shooter.”

Publisher: Agetec
Developer: IREM Software Engineering Inc.
Rating: Everyone

About AGETEC AGETEC, a subsidiary of AES, is a world-class publisher of hardware accessories and software for the videogame market. AES is the U.S. affiliate of ASCII Corporation, based in Tokyo, Japan.
©1999 UEP Systems, Inc. Published by AGETEC, Inc. AGETEC, the AGETEC logo, The Rising Zan Samurai Gunman, The Rising Zan Samurai Gunman logo, and the AGETEC log are trademarks of AGETEC, Inc.

Undated – Agetec Announces Bass Landing

Agetec Announces Bass Landing
As Real as it Gets Without Getting Wet on the PlayStation® Game Console

Redwood City, CA -Agetec is set to satisfy fishing fans everywhere with the upcoming release of Bass Landing, the ultimate fishing package for the PlayStation® game console. This unique bundle includes an exclusive Dual Shock compatible fishing rod/reel controller and the fishing simulation game, Bass Landing.

“This is a great package for any fishing fan, the combination of the Dual Shock compatible fishing rod/reel controller and the perfect fishing simulation game is unbeatable,” said Mark Johnson, product manager for Bass Landing. “As with real fishing, the number of options and variety of lakes will provide an endless amount of replay value to this title.”

The Game
Now any season is fishing season. Bass Landing is the virtual equivalent of waking up at 5:30 a.m. and putting on hip-waders. The pure enjoyment and beauty of the great outdoors is captured on each of the five intricately detailed lakes, which consist entirely of 3D polygons. The true-to-life fishing simulation offers multiple rod/lure combinations, varying weather effects, and over 13 different kinds of aquatic wildlife.

Bass Landing has something for every level of fisherman, from the aspiring angler to the hard-core fisherman. Beginners can learn about lures, rods, water temperature effects, and all the other secrets of the pros, while experienced anglers can tailor their tackle boxes choosing from over 20 fish-catching lures, 10 super-action rods, three reels, and eight fishing line options.

With a “live well” overflowing with options, Bass Landing allows players to fish solo or enter any of seven bass tournaments. Before powering their bass boat out on one of the lakes, players can set up their rig and use their depth finder to hit the hot spots. As with real fishing, factors such as temperature, time of day, location, depth, and lure all determine success. After successfully bringing in the big one, players can view the underwater replay and even save it to their memory cards to verify their tall tales.

The Controller
In what can only be described at the ultimate in fishing controllers, the Agetec Bass Landing controller allows players to become completely absorbed in the game. This incredible Dual Shock compatible rod/reel controller was designed specifically for the Bass Landing game and actually emulates true rod/reel action. Players actually perform the casting and hook setting motions while playing. Additionally, players feel the fish bite as the controller vibrates! Once the fish is hooked, it is an all out fight as players really reel the fish inŠor let it get away.

Publisher: Agetec
Developer: ASCII Corporation
Rating: Everyone
Release: September 1999

About AGETEC AGETEC, a subsidiary of AES, is a world-class publisher of hardware accessories and software for the videogame market. AES is the U.S. affiliate of ASCII Corporation, based in Tokyo, Japan.
©1999 UEP Systems, Inc. Published by AGETEC, Inc. AGETEC, the AGETEC logo, The Rising Zan Samurai Gunman, The Rising Zan Samurai Gunman logo, and the AGETEC log are trademarks of AGETEC, Inc.

9-30-1999 Agetecs Bass Landing Ships: Worms Not Included

Agetecs Bass Landing Ships:
Worms Not Included
Redwood City, CA September 30, 1999 – Agetecs Bass Landing, one of the most exciting and authentic bass fishing simulations available for the PlayStation game console started shipping today. The Bass Landing package includes an exclusive vibration compatible fishing rod/reel controller. Bass Landing offers one of the most unique experiences short of strapping on hip-waders.

“This is a great package for any fishing fan, the combination of the rod/reel controller and the perfect fishing simulation game is unbeatable,” said Mark Johnson, product manager for Bass Landing. “As with real fishing, the number of options and variety of lakes will provide an endless amount of replay value to this title.”

Bass Landing boasts an impressive array of selections, including multiple rod and reel combinations, 13 different kinds of aquatic wildlife, and varying weather conditions. Just like real fishing, players will have to contend with factors such as temperature, time of day, location, and depth, and also customize their tackle box with over 20 lures, three reels, 10 super-action rods, and eight line options–all of which will determine success or failure in snagging the “Big One.”

Offering three modes of gameplaytutorial, solo, and tournamentBass Landing includes something for fishermen of every level. Tutorials will teach beginners about benefits and drawbacks of different lures, rods, temperatures, and all the other secrets of the pros. Seasoned anglers can pack their tackle boxes and fly solo in realistically detailed fishing environments and pit their well-honed angling skills in one of seven bass tournaments on five different lakes.

Bass Landing also supports an underwater replay mode that can be watched over and over again after being saved to a memory card. The Bass Landing virtual fishermen can be assured infinite bragging rights, making sure friends NEVER forget their epic struggle and victory against their aquatic nemesis.

AGETEC, a subsidiary of AES, is a world-class publisher of hardware accessories and software for the videogame market. AES is the U.S. affiliate of ASCII Corporation, based in Tokyo, Japan.

11-3-1999 Clock Tower II: The Struggle Within Haunts Retailers

Clock Tower II: The Struggle Within Haunts Retailers
Agetec’s Horror Adventure Sequel Delivers Spine Tingling Chills

Redwood City, CA November 3, 1999 – Agetec today announced the release of Clock Tower II: The Struggle Within. The follow-up to the console market’s definitive horror title, Clock Tower, Clock Tower II blends elements of sheer psychological terror and flesh crawling suspense. It promises to deliver one of the most frightening gameplay experiences available for the PlayStation® game console.

Horror adventure gamers looking for a dizzying dose of blood, heart-pounding fright-fest, and mind-bending tension will find all that and more in Clock Tower II. Alyssa Hale, the main character, is cursed with a male personality, and because both her personalities coexist with a different set of skills, gamers must learn to cope with each personality in order to survive. With 13 different endings, 3 eerie locations, and over 20 hours of terrifying gameplay, Clock Tower II is the game that fans have been screaming for.

The story begins with a mysterious empty house and a horribly mangled corpse. The focal point is Alyssa, an ordinary seventeen-year old high school student until she discovers her alter ego, the murderous Mr. Bates. Lodged in the dark recess of her soul, Mr. Bates is a cruel and cold-blooded male entity, begging for a chance to carve up Alyssa’s friends. However, the player must tap into the evil Mr. Bates, as well as Alyssa, to complete the story.

“Clock Tower II builds upon the original Clock Tower’s horror aspects,” said Mark Johnson, the producer for Clock Tower II. “Not only does it have the elements of a great adventure game, but Clock Tower II also has a compelling storyline that delves deeply into the darker side of the human psyche. This is definitely not a game for the faint-hearted.”

Boasting Dual Shock support and some of the scariest, creepiest enemies on the PlayStation® game console, Clock Tower II is guaranteed to make gamers’ hair stand on end. not Publisher: Agetec
Developer: Human Entertainment
Rating: Mature

About AGETEC AGETEC, a subsidiary of AES, is a world-class publisher of hardware accessories and software for the videogame market. AES is the U.S. affiliate of ASCII Corporation, based in Tokyo, Japan.
©1999 UEP Systems, Inc. Published by AGETEC, Inc. AGETEC, the AGETEC logo, The Rising Zan Samurai Gunman, The Rising Zan Samurai Gunman logo, and the AGETEC log are trademarks of AGETEC, Inc.

11-3-1999 Agetec Annoucnes Armored Core: Master of Arena

Agetec Announces Armored Core: Master of Arena
The Final Word in AC Warfare for the PlayStation® Game Console

Redwood City, CA November 3, 1999 – Agetec announced today that it will ship Armored Core: Master of Arena, the latest in the Armored Core series, for the PlayStation® game console in the first quarter of 2000. The third installment of the extremely popular and best-selling mechanized robot title continues its history of innovation with each new sequel.

Armored Core: Master of Arena puts players directly in the cockpit of their fully customizable armored core (AC) unit. Players assume the role of a mercenary, accepting missions that have them infiltrating bases, rescuing hostages, and destroying hostile enemies. Armored Core: Master of Arena features an arena mode, which pits players against the computer and a VS. mode that allows gamers to square off in one-on-one deathmatches. Along the way, players can purchase weapons and parts at the shop then build or modify every aspect of their AC in the garage: changing colors, patterns, and making enhancements. Master of Arena allows players to import saved ACšs from either of the first two Armored Core titles, giving them new life, and providing endless mechanical combinations.

“There is a die-hard following for the Armored Core series,” explained Mark Johnson, producer for the title. “We have listened to the feedback from the previous two games and have really tried to propel Master of Arena to be the ultimate AC playeršs dream.”

Armored Core: Master of Arena comes with two disks packed with 19 new missions, over 150 arena competitors in 11 different classes of competition, 170 (27 never before seen) weapons and parts, and elusive hidden bonuses. In all, there will be 20 two-player stages in VS mode for linked play, 10 for split-screen competitions, and 12 for CPU battles. Master of Arenašs storyline interconnects the missions and arena battles, unlocking new levels of play as you progress through the single player mode.

Publisher: Agetec
Developer: From Software
Rating: Pending

About AGETEC AGETEC, a subsidiary of AES, is a world-class publisher of hardware accessories and software for the videogame market. AES is the U.S. affiliate of ASCII Corporation, based in Tokyo, Japan.
©1999 UEP Systems, Inc. Published by AGETEC, Inc. AGETEC, the AGETEC logo, The Rising Zan Samurai Gunman, The Rising Zan Samurai Gunman logo, and the AGETEC log are trademarks of AGETEC, Inc.

3-22-2000 Agetec’s Armored Core: Master of Arena Blasts Into Stores

Agetec’s Armored Core: Master of Arena Blasts Into Stores
The PlayStation® Game Console’s Premier Futuristic Combat Action Game

Redwood City, CA – March 22, 2000 – Agetec’s Armored Core: Master of Arena™ began shipping today to retailers nationwide. Master of Arena is the third installment of the extremely popular Armored Core series for the PlayStation® game console. By far the most complete Armored Core title to date, the two-disc Master of Arena package features a host of new missions, parts, and one disc completely devoted to one-on-one AC battles.

Die-hard Armored Core fans will delight at the wealth of new options available, while players new to the series will be easily inspired by the intense action and variety the game offers. Players strap into the armored core (AC) units and then begin their mercenary ways, infiltrating bases, rescuing hostages, and destroying hostile enemies.

Every aspect of a player’s AC is customizable, from the legs to the boosters. Master of Arena incorporates over 180 AC parts, including 27 all-new weapons and body parts. The simple assembly interface makes designing ACs a snap. Plus, ACs from either of the first two Armored Core games can be loaded and used. This massive game offers an entire second disc that allows AC pilots to square-off against the computer or another human opponent in either split-screen battles or via a link cable for intense multi-player action.

“Master of Arena is by far the most in-depth Armored Core title to date,” said Mark Johnson, producer for the title. “We have taken the series to the next level by giving players everything they want with tons of weapons, a whole slew of new missions, and a whole disk of deathmatch levels.”

The following are the basic stats for Armored Core: Master of Arena:

Over 180 AC Parts – 27 Brand New (Includes Bonus Hidden Parts!)
Battle 150+ of the Nastiest Ravens Ever
22 Battle Stages – 10 Brand New
19 Detailed Missions
10 New Arenas
Use ALL Your Old Armored Core Creations
2-Player Combat with Split-Screen & Link Cable Play
Custom Tailor Your Armored Core with Hundreds of Thousands of Different Weapon & Armor Combinations
Publisher: Agetec
Developer: From Software
Rating: Teen

About AGETEC Agetec, formerly known as ASCII Entertainment Software (AES), is a world-class publisher of software and hardware accessories for the videogame market. Agetec’s well-known brand titles include Bass Landing, Fighter Maker, and the King’s Field and Armored Core series of games.
Armored Core: Master of Arena is a trademark of Agetec, Inc.\

9-12-2000 Build Your Own Role Playing Game Today

Build Your Own Role Playing Game Today
Agetec’s “RPG Maker” Available Now

Sunnyvale, CA – September 12, 2000 – Agetec began shipment today of the eagerly anticipated create-your-own-role-playing-game, “RPG Maker” for the PlayStation® game console. “RPG Maker” allows every gamer the chance to build their own role-playing adventure utilizing an easy to understand, yet robust, interface.

The first game of its kind, “RPG Maker” is completely customizable from the formation of worlds and dungeons to the actual character designs and their magical abilities. “RPG Maker” provides RPG fans the chance to create the game of their dreams.

“RPG fanatics have been saying that they can create better games than those available, and now we are giving them an opportunity to prove it,” stated Kevin Sullivan, vice president of Sales and Marketing. “This title provides many would-be game designers a chance to make their first ‘game’ and tailor it to their own desires. It’s all very easy and straight-forward.”

Every imaginable element is included, starting with skill points, character strengths and weaknesses, level-ups, weapon attributes, in-game events, and the ability to create and name special attacks. Players also develop their protagonists and party system, set up the story (including the text, events, non-playing characters, and music), build worlds, dungeons, and backgrounds, and populate the worlds with enemies and bosses, including the random encounter percentages. Games can then be saved to a memory card and shared with friends.

“RPG Maker” offers an amazing amount of pieces to choose from:

More than 400 dungeon parts to create your own customized dungeons and 247 original dungeon images ready to use
Over 250 parts for creating field maps
127 object images
99 monster images
68 character images
49 background images
30 magic effects images
16 unique abilities
“RPG Maker” also includes Anime Maker, a special piece of software that allows players to draw their own characters using a bitmap canvas and a color pallet. Custom character designs and animations can be then be imported into their RPG. For first time users, the software contains a sample RPG that walks players through all the necessary traits of a solid RPG.
“RPG Maker” is available now for the PlayStation® game console.

About Agetec
Agetec is a world-class publisher of software and hardware accessories for the videogame market. Agetec’s well-known brand titles include Bass Landing, Fighter Maker, and the King’s Field and Armored Core series of games.

11-10-2000 The King Of Fighters: Coming Soon to the PlayStation® and Dreamcast

The King Of Fighters: Coming Soon to the PlayStation® and Dreamcast
Sunnyvale, CA – November 10, 2000 – Agetec announces that The King of Fighters (KOF), one of the most successful fighting game franchises of the 90’s, is coming to the Dreamcast and PlayStation, featuring its latest cast of hard-core beat-em-up characters. KOF ’99 for the PlayStation® game console and KOF Evolution for the Dreamcast(tm) features a huge set of characters and a brand new striker fighting feature that brings the classic 2D gameplay into the next millennium.

“KOF has an unbelievable history and an incredibly loyal fan base, and we are looking forward to bringing the latest versions of the series to gamers,” said Kevin Sullivan, Agetec’s vice president of sales and marketing. “The plan is to have KOF in the hands of every fighting game fan in time for the holidays, giving them the ultimate in 2D fighters.”

The same SNK team that developed these two KOF titles has produced the memorable series for the past six years. The latest additions to the KOF series promise all of the standards you have come to expect as well as a host of new additions, including game modes, characters, and an advanced fighting system. As always, KOF requires quickness and agile fingers to succeed.

KOF offers an ensemble of 33 fighters, featuring bosses from the arcade version and several new characters. The innovative striker system allows a fourth combatant on three-person teams, they can be called in to unleash a quick attack or even heal teammates. Additionally, the power gauge increases with each devastating blow, so players will never lack damaging hits such as “Guard Cancel Emergency Escapes,” “Emergency Counter Attacks” and “Desperation Moves.” Also, when the gauges max out, “Super Desperation Moves” and two unique modes, “Counter” and “Armor,” become available. As a special bonus, the PlayStation version includes special art, demo, and voice galleries, along with a customizable color pallet to edit the fighters.

So be ready, the invitations have been sent and the “Striker Match” is ready to begin. KOF is coming this December to the PlayStation and Dreamcast.

About Agetec
Agetec is a world-class publisher of software and hardware accessories for the videogame market. Agetec’s well-known brand titles include Bass Landing, RPG Maker, and the Armored Core series of games.

PlayStation and the PlayStation logos are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Armored Core® is a registered trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Sega, Dreamcast and the Dreamcast logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Sega Enterprises Ltd.

1-26-2001 Agetec, Inc. Forms New Division: A1 Games

New Agetec Division
Agetec, Inc. Forms New Division: A1 Games

Software Publisher Introduces Series of Value Priced Games for the PlayStation® Game Console

January 26, 2001 – Sunnyvale, CA – Agetec, Inc. today announced a new software division, A1 Games, which focuses on value priced software for specialty retail channels. The company plans to release a dozen A1 Games titles in the first quarter of 2001, including “Bowling,” “Snowboarding,” “Boxing,” and “Racing.”

“The mission of A1 Games is to introduce original, high-quality PlayStation game software the whole family will enjoy at impulse-buy prices,” said Kevin Sullivan, vice president of sales and marketing. “The value-driven A1 Games lineup will be clearly differentiated with its special branded packaging and point of purchase displays.”

These family-friendly games will be easy to pick up and play; offering hours of entertainment for a price lower than most PlayStation titles. A1 Games plans to follow up their initial release of 12 titles with four to six new titles per quarter.

The first set of games released through A1 Games features titles in the most popular genres. The list of launch games includes the sports titles “Snowboarding,” “Racing,” “Bowling,” and “Billiards”; and the shooter titles “Shooter: Space Shot” and “Shooter: Starship Sanvein.” “Boxing” and “Puzzle: Star Sweep” represent the first of A1’s fighting and puzzle games. The majority of A1 Games’ titles received an “Everyone” rating from the ESRB making the lineup of games geared for every member of the family.

3-17-2001 STRIKERS 1945 Now Available

STRIKERS 1945 Now Available
Agetec Unleashes Epic WWII Air Combat in PlayStation Title, STRIKERS 1945

March 17, 2001 – Sunnyvale, CA – Agetec, Inc. today announced the shipping of its latest title for the PlayStation, STRIKERS 1945. Set in the last year of WWII, STRIKERS 1945 gives players the option of flying from up to six different experimental aircraft on both sides of the conflict.

“STRIKERS 1945 adds a high-tech fantasy element to the traditional arcade shooter,” said Kevin Sullivan, vice president of sales and marketing. “Players not only fly vintage planes from that era, but they also have the ability to adapt weapons and armament to fantastic levels.”

The choice of planes includes the German Focke-Wulf Ta 152, the Japanese Ki84 Hayate and J7W Shinden, and the American P38 Lightning and DH98 Mosquito Fighter Bomber. All of the planes are replicated to their original military specifications, but to tie in with the storyline, they have been altered to support massive firepower. An experimental plane, the F-5U “Flying Pancake” finishes up the roster as perhaps one of the oddest additions in military aircraft history.

A 1- or 2-player game, STRIKERS 1945 features enormous quantities of air and ground based enemies that will keep any sky jockey happy. When the going gets really tough, players have the option to call in a formation of friendly fighters to help sweep the skies clean from enemy action. Add multiple attack and defense systems to the mix and STRIKERS 1945 becomes an instant classic for the arcade shooter genre.

5-24-2001 New Line-up of titles for A1 Games

New Line-up of titles for A1 Games
Agetec Expands A1 Games Division Title Line-up Software Publisher Introduces Next Series of Value Priced Games for the PlayStation® Game Console

SUNNYVALE, CA – May 24, 2001 – Agetec, Inc. today announced its summer line-up of entertainment software for the successful A1 Games division. Among these exciting new releases are the titles Card Games, RC Helicopter, Kickboxing, Tennis and Battle Hunter. Each of these games offers original, high-quality gaming that is fun for the whole family. “We are delighted to add these top-notch titles to the A1 Games brand,” says Kevin Sullivan, vice president of sales and marketing. “By offering consumers engaging, multiplayer games at impulse-buy prices, Agetec continues to provide the growing PlayStation consumer base with the best values to be found.”

Rather than requiring gamers to play alone, the games Tennis, and Battle Hunter allow for 4-player fun, while both Card Games and Kick-Boxing are 2-player titles. “Having multiplayer modes in the majority of A1 Games’ releases has been the pivotal point of the series’ success,” adds Sullivan. “There is yet to be a program made that is more entertaining than playing against human opponents!” Previous A1 Games releases include the award-winning Bowling, Snowboarding and Board Game – Top Shop titles.

Easy to pick up and even easier to play, these family-friendly games offer hours of entertainment at a price lower than most other PlayStation titles on the market. And since the majority of A1 Games’ titles have an “Everyone” rating from the ESRB, these games are great fun for every member of the family.

Agetec is a world-class publisher of software and hardware accessories for the videogame market. Agetec publishes many well-known brand titles, including: “Bass Landing,” “RPG Maker,” and the “Armored Core” game series.


©2001 Agetec, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Agetec, the Agetec logo, and A1 Games are trademarks of Agetec, Inc. All other marks are the property of their respective owners.

10-18-2001 Agetec Announces the latest release for A1 Games — Putter Golf
Putter Golf Ships Today

Agetec Announces the latest release for A1 Games — Putter Golf

SUNNYVALE, CA – October 18, 2001 – Agetec, Inc. today announced its latest addition to the A1 Games line-up of titles with this week’s release of Putter Golf for the PlayStation® game console. In Putter Golf, up to four players are given the opportunity to practice their putting in realistic 3D environments including topographical gridlines that denote the elevations of the various greens. Also included is a miniature golf course that offers trick shots, conveyor belt grass, and warp holes to add to the excitement.

“Putter Golf has everything a budding golf enthusiast would want to hone their skills on the putting green,” says Kevin Sullivan, vice president of sales and marketing. “By throwing in a complete miniature golf course and the option to mix and match holes from either mode of play, Putter Golf shines as an example of how to provide value and game play longevity to the players.”

Offering simultaneous 4-player action using the PlayStation Multi Tap accessory, Putter Golf provides the same challenges found on miniature golf courses, with a video game twist. This time, the course itself is in motion and obstacles come to life as they propel missed shots to the furthest reaches of each hole. Players will naturally work together to solve the puzzles and avoid the traps found at each hole, thereby making this a great addition to any family’s library of games.

Putter Golf has been rated “E” by the Entertainment Software Rating Board, and carries a suggested retail price of $9.99.

6-21-2002 Agetec brings to fans of the growing series of action games!

Agetec brings to fans of the growing series of action games!

SUNNYVALE, CA – June 21, 2002 – Agetec, Inc., a leading publisher of video games, today announced the launch of, a Web site dedicated to the entire Armored Core series of video games for both the PlayStation® game console and the PlayStation®2 computer entertainment system.

“The Armored Core titles represent the quintessential Agetec gaming experience,” said Kevin Sullivan, vice president of marketing and business development for Agetec. “We created this Web site for the fans of the series who have devoted an enormous part of their gaming hours to these titles. The information in gives the players a concentrated look at each of the games as well as previews of upcoming releases in the series.”

In the Armored Core games, players take the role of a “Raven” – an independent mercenary whose services go to the highest bidder. All Ravens own their Armored Core Units (A.C.’s), towering mechanical warriors, and all of the armaments, ammunition and spare parts needed to operate them. “The true art of Armored Core,” added Sullivan, “involves providing the players with a near-impossible variety of machines to customize and play test.” Each title in the series offers more than 1 million possible A.C.’s to build and play.

The titles showcased at include: For PSX: Armored Core, Armored Core: Project Phantasma, Armored Core: Master of Arena, For PS2: Armored Core 2, Armored Core 2 Another Age.

Agetec is currently preparing Armored Core 3 for release this September, exclusively for play on the PlayStation®2 computer entertainment system

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