Feb. 17 New Releases: Fisherman’s Filter

Looks like the post-Christmas gaming drought may finally be coming to a close. March and April are looking to have at least 1 game a week, while here in February the rest of the publishers are wiping away the snow and cobwebs. Today’s releases are brought to you by arcade fish and Sony’s answer to Solid Snake.

First off, the fish. Fisherman’s Bait adds in a two-player function and Dual Shock support for the arcade conversion.

Jewel Case Release

Syphon Filter takes on Metal Gear Solid, but from a much more standard 3rd person view with more focus on running-and-gunning. Use a taser among other standard weapons to stop the launch of the Syphon Filter virus.

PSX Syphon FIlter Release

Jewel Case Release

This article is part of the Living History Project Celebration, which is living the PlayStation’s library release schedule in real time. Started during the 20th Anniversary on 9-9-2015, the project will last all the way till 2024! Follow us on Twitter for all the updates and additions!

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